(941) 960-1856

COVID-19 Information


COVID-19 Preventive Measures

CAREmasters issues regular information & education by personal training, texting and email to all employees on how to protect themselves and their residents. Our employees are COVID educated, tested negative and work closely with facilities and their residents to minimize  infection risks.
CAREmasters HR Director is the agency´s COVID risk manager. She and her team are available 24/7 for consultations, education and support. Please call the COVID risk  manager at 239-910-6093 if you have questions.


COVID - 19 Testing

Testing is an important issue to be able to work in long term care. According to AHCA Emergency Rule 59AER20-4/5 ALL staff entering a long term care facilities must be tested bi-weekly and show negative results as of JULY  7th, 2020. Testing is available at all of our contracted long term care partner facilities. Before arriving for your shift please make sure that your test result is documented and not older than 2 weeks. Observe the testing schedules in the facilities as they do not offer testing every day. If no testing is available in your place of service or if you cannot prove a negative result prior entering a facility, use the links below to find public testing sites near by you. Once you are tested and wait for results, you may work.

COVID-19 Testing Sites in Lee County

COVID-19 Testing Sites in Sarasota County

COVID-19 Testing Sites in Manatee County

COVID-19 Testing Sites in Pinellas County

COVID-19 Testing Sites Florida

COVID-19 New Test Site Home Depot Bradenton

COVID-19 Testing at CVS Pharmacy´s Minute Clinics

COVID-19 Testing Sites in Charlotte County

Call CAREmasters HR at 941-960-1856 if you experience problems to obtain free testing or cannot locate a testing site. Ask the test site for a result email or text and forward immediately to CAREmasters HR:  941-961-0519 We want to keep you in your work schedule.

Return to Work Criteria by Florida Department of Health
Did you test positive? Learn what to do and how you can return to work.
Please follow this DOH link

PPE Personal Protective Equipment
How to handle PPE safely, here Donning & Doffing
Please check link and video, call CAREmasters HR for additional education.
PPE Handling Training



The #1 preventive measure to avoid infections
What you must know about Handwashing


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